Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) at Pepper Creek, announced that the 37-acre botanic gardens will open to the public for its seventh season at 9 a.m. on Thursday, March 13th. 

Sander said, “Welcome back for another season of natural wonder, and beautiful gardens. As spring approaches, come to DBG to catch the first glimpses of what we have in store for you. In the Piet Oudolf Meadow Garden, Rhyne Garden, Learning Garden and Folly Garden we have over 200,000 spring bulbs slowly emerging. In the 12-acre Woodlands we have a new Eagle Watch Garden. We will be starting the Gallery Garden – and are actively constructing a new building, the Annette Pennoni Meadow Pavilion, our 3,300 sq. ft. four season ‘center-stage’ for events and programs. Enjoy our refurbished Welcome Center, now climate controlled and with your favorite gifts & new selections. There’s always something new to see at DBG.” 

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “We have enhanced our garden experience. Please go to our Calendar of Events on our website to see what DBG can offer you and your family. On our Opening Day join us for a guided Spring bulb tour at 2 p.m., with another tour offered on Friday March 28th also at 2 p.m. Go to www.delawaregardens.org for more information. We invite you to become members and get involved by joining our wonderful team of DBG volunteers.”

Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Deputy Executive Director, invites you to visit the gardens. “With the arrival of spring, we’re excited to see the first blooms, and the return of pollinators, but even more, we look forward to welcoming back the guests who bring the gardens to life. Join us this spring, by spending time outdoors, surrounded by nature, to lift the spirit and clear the mind.” 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens are open to the public beginning on March 13th on Thursdays through Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and there are guided tours at 10 a.m. You can register for guided tours in advance on the DBG website or join a tour if there is room on the day of your visit. The DBG is located a short 35-minute drive from the beaches at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. 

DBG to Hold Virtual Annual Meeting on December 6th

Raymond J. Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek (DBG) announced that on Friday December 6th, DBG will hold a Virtual Public Annual Meeting starting at 3 p.m. Sander said, ”DBG had a record setting 2024 season and at the annual meeting the agenda includes: the President’s State of the Garden Report; Financial Report; Introduction of DBG Board, Advisory Council and Staff; reports from both the Deputy Executive Director and Director of Grounds and Facilities; and an update on the Annette Pennoni Meadow Pavilion project.  We want to thank DBG members, supporters, and guests as we end the year on a high note with our annual end of year appeal to our members and supporters.”

Sheryl J. Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “We want to thank all staff and volunteers who have worked so hard to maintain and care for DBG this year. We also thank all who have visited and supported the gardens in 2024. At the annual meeting we will announce Members Only Winter Visit days. We look forward to seeing you next spring on March 13, 2025, when we open again.”

Here is the link to sign-in to the Virtual Annual Public Meeting the meeting:






DBG Celebrates Veteran’s Day – Free Admission for Veterans and for those bringing Food Donations for Veteran’s Home

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek (DBG) announced that on Saturday, November 9th DBG will celebrate Veteran’s Day - all Veterans, showing their military ID cards, will have “Free” admission to the Gardens in appreciation for their military service to our country. Also, other guests, who bring food donations for Home of the Brave Foundation in Milford will receive “Free” admission. Sander said, “We are thankful for all who have served our nation in military uniform, and we also thank those in our community who recognize the food needs of our veterans in Sussex County.” Sander also noted that the DBG Fall Harvest decorations, including the Woodlands Discovery Trail with sculptures of forest creatures will remain on display through Sunday, November 24h the DBG season closing date.

 Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “As we approach the Thanksgiving holidays, we are thankful for the generosity of our guests who will donate food for our veterans. Starting October 31st until we close, we have a 20% off sale in the Gift Shop on most items, including gifts made by local artisans. So do your Holiday shopping early. This has been a wonderful 2024 season, and we thank all who have visited and supported the gardens this year. We look forward to seeing you next spring when we reopen on March 13th 2025.”

Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Deputy Executive Director said,” I want our friends to know that the gardens are now in their full fall glory. We are in the Fifth Season. Come stroll through our 10 gardens including the Woodland Discovery Trail with forest creatures and the new Eagle Watch Garden under construction. Bring the whole family.”

New DBG Treasurer - Dave Baker

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek (DBG) announced that Dave Baker has been appointed as DBG Treasurer and member of the DBG Board of Directors. Sander said, “We are honored that Dave has agreed to return for a second tour of duty as DBG Treasurer. Dave served as our Treasurer from July to December 2021, when he was called on by President Biden to become State Director of Rural Development at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Dave brings a wealth of management and financial experience to the gardens, with over three decades of unique experience as a leader in Sussex County Government. That service included 14-years as Director of Finance and then six-years as the top Sussex County Administrator. Dave also has a decade of experience in the private sector as a financial advisor at American Financial and Ballast Financial.

Dave Baker noted, “I have always believed that nonprofits like Delaware Botanic Gardens are key components of the fabric which holds the Sussex County community together, and improves the quality of life for all of us. Delaware Botanic Gardens and all their dedicated staff and volunteers is a perfect illustration of that. This wonderful public botanic garden in Sussex County is an exciting and fantastic addition to our community. DBG is preserving our beautiful coastal environment with a team who believe in an inspiring mission.” 

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director noted, “Dave was involved in the original acquisition of the 37-acre Cannon Tract Farm in Sussex County, which later, thanks to the Sussex County Land Trust, became the DBG home site. So, Dave has come a full circle as the DBG Treasurer.”

Delaware Botanic Gardens Raises over $154,000 and Celebrates Groundbreaking of the Pennoni Pavilion

DBG Annual Dinner Raises Over  $154,000

On September 26th 300 people gathered at Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek in Dagsboro to attend the Annual Fund Raising Dinner Party, and participate in the Groundbreaking for the Annette Pennoni Meadow Pavilion.   

Ray Sander, DBG President said, “We are proud to announce that due to the generosity of our enthusiastic community of supporters, DBG was able to raise over $154,000 from the Annual Dinner and Challenge Match.”  Sander continued, ”Special thanks to Ron Bass and George Robbins, sponsors of the $25,000 Challenge Match, which was doubled due to the generosity of Denise Kaczmarczyk who matched Ron & George’s challenge, plus thanks to the 50 other generous donors who met the $25,000 match who are listed on our website: delawaregardens.org. 

Sander continued, “Importantly, after years of planning, designing, value engineering and fund raising we were able to salute long-time supporter Chuck Pennoni, who along with others, made it possible to celebrate a ceremonial’ groundbreaking for the Annette Pennoni Meadow Pavilion. The pavilion is named in honor of Chuck’s late wife Annette, also a long-time DGB supporter. We thank Chuck for not only his leadership and generosity, but also for the vital role of his Pennoni Engineering Team, led by Mark Davidson. We are thankful to SEA Architects and Lane Builders and all our friends and supporters. A special salute to Sally Gore who announced at the dinner her donation for the Naming Rights for the Pavilion’ patio and living roof.”  Another milestone announced at the dinner was that DBG has now raised over $10 million dollars since the beginning of our fundraising in 2014.

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “The Pennoni Pavilion will become DBG’s center stage for year round programs and events. The Pavilion is expected to be completed in early 2025.”  Swed also said, “It is thrilling that we could arrange this Pavilion groundbreaking during the 12th anniversary of our annual fundraising dinner created with our generous partner SoDel Concepts. Scott Kammerer, President of SoDel, with his wife Lisa, were honorary Co Chairs of the dinner. Scott saluted the fantastic SoDel team, led by Ronnie Burkle, SoDel Corporate Chef, who provided the great food selections.  Also, we thank Derrick Kelley and Riely Quinn owners of Bin 66, who selected and provided Old Soul wines, which were perfectly paired for the evening’s dinner menu.  Recognition and thanks also go to Zack McCarthy and his team for their spectacular tent and lighting; Vince Varrassi and the 5th Avenue for creating a wonderful ambiance with their music; and Affairs to Remember for special lighting in the parking lot. It takes a community of exceptional people to make this vital annual event a success.” 

Also, during the dinner, Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Deputy Executive Director unveiled a “live” TV camera signal from the recently installed DBG Eagle Cam. This camera allows an online view of the DBG Eagle nest, where two bald eagles have successfully raised their young for the past few years. 

  Go to:  https://www.delawaregardens.org/pepper-creek-eagle-cam

  Pryce Lea said, “You will be thrilled to see the amazing panoramic view of Pepper Creek, while we await the return of the eagle pair.”

Delaware Botanic Garden Hosts “Free” Tree Give-away, Oct. 12th

DBG President Raymond Sander is pleased to announce that, in collaboration with DNREC and the Delaware Forest Service, as part of the TEDI (Tree for Every Delawarean Initiative), the gardens will have about 250 native trees to give “free” to guests on a first-come-first served basis on Saturday, October 12th starting at 9 a.m. There is a limit of one tree per person. Sander said, “Fall is the time to plant new trees. Please come and get a free native tree to add to the beauty of Delmarva.” 

Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Deputy Executive Director said, “We thank our Delaware partners for providing these trees, and want to remind everyone that the free trees go fast, so get here early. The gardens are showing their best fall colors and we offer guided tours at 10 a.m. every open day. Members get free admission, and non-member pay a $15 admission. Children 16 and under are admitted free. 

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director, said, “Fall is a wonderful time in the gardens, and we have a lot of fall events coming up to add to the joy of the season, including the family friendly Fall Gardening For Wildlife Tour of the Piet Oudolf Meadow on Friday, October 11th at 2 p.m. Get outside and enjoy the blessings of nature. Lots to see at DBG!”

Delaware Botanic Garden Installing an Eagle cam and Eagle Watch Garden.

Delaware Botanic Gardens’ (DBG) Eagles Nest is housed in a beautiful loblolly tree overlooking Pepper Creek and has been active for several years.  In the spring, two eaglets were tended to by both the female and male eagles and were soon fledglings flying high above the Garden.  Our visitors were thrilled to watch them from afar.  Next year we will have installed an Eagle Cam so that we can see what is happening in the nest. Our work is with HDOnTap, the same company that installed the Eagle Cam at Big Bear Valley in California. 

 DBG Executive Director Sheryl Swed said, “The idea of an eagle cam has been very popular with our staff, volunteers and visitors and when we decided to raise funds for the camera, we had an amazingly positive response— we have raised over $80,000 for the cost of design, equipment, including two cameras, installation, live streaming and maintenance.” 

DBG President Raymond Sander is pleased to announce the major sponsors of the Eagle Cam project: The Drs. Rouben & Violet Jiji Foundation together with Phoebe Craven, and Mike & Sue Masciandaro.  In addition to these generous donors, many individual gifts were sent to DBG to support the project.

Richard Hoffman representing the JiJi Foundation said, “The Rouben & Violet Jiji Foundation is proud to partner with the Delaware Botanic Gardens and sponsor the Eagle Cam and the eagle watch viewing garden.”  Another generous donor, Mike Masciandaro said, “We hope that this additional visibility will inspire the younger generations to learn and participate in the wonders of nature.”  Sander said, “We are most grateful to our magnanimous donors who also  inspire us.” 

Deputy Executive Director Stephen Pryce Lea, who will be leading this effort, noted, “Our contract calls for installation of two cameras and reinforcing and strengthening the nest and is scheduled for two days in late September when the eagles are gone.” 

If you would like to donate to the Eagle cam project, go to www.delawaregardens.org/give-today.

The DBG is open to the public Thursday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guided tours when open at 10 a.m. The gardens are located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939.

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all.

Butterflies & Blooms Class at DBG

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG), announced the 37-acre gardens are in full peak summer bloom, and starting on Thursday, July 25 and running Thursday August 8th and August 15th at 9:30 a.m. is the Butterflies & Blooms Class. Sander said, “This Butterflies & Blooms class is a family-friendly class that is both fun and educational. All are welcome.”  

Stephen Pryce Lea, Deputy Executive Director said, “The summer breeze carries the hungry pollinators inland to the abundance of our DBG blooms. DBG is fortunate to have a well-established Piet Oudolf 2-acre meadow, with native plants that attract essential pollinators. We have seen an upturn in the numbers of bees and butterflies visiting the gardens and woodland trails. Now is the best time to visit.”  

This program offers guests a chance to explore the Piet Oudolf Meadow in a new way, searching for and identifying the many butterfly species that take advantage of the nectar offered by the blooming perennials.  Monarchs, Spicebush Swallowtails, Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, American Ladies, Painted Ladies, Variegated Fritillaries and Silver Spotted Skippers are some of the most frequent visitors to the Meadow.  Volunteer docents help guests identify the butterflies and their “favorite” nectar plants in the Meadow.  The necessary host plants, where hungry caterpillars eat their way to the next stage, are also discussed so that gardeners can be sure they are supporting the entire lifecycle of the butterflies they love.   

Preregistration is required as there is a limited class size. This is a family-friendly program welcoming butterfly lovers of all ages.   Members free admission and free class. Non-members admission $15 and free class. 

Children 16 and under, when accompanied by an adult, have free admission and free butterfly tour. Reserve tickets at delawaregardens.org.  

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “In addition, on Friday July 26 and Friday August 30th is a special Summer Meadow Garden Tour at 11:30 a.m.  The guided tour by Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Deputy Executive Director, is a leisurely stroll through the 2-acre Piet Oudolf Meadow. Learn about the benefits of growing native plants and the pollinators they attract.”

Members Free admission and free tour and Non-members admission $15 admission and free tour. Children 16 and under, when accompanied by an adult, have free admission and tour. Reserve tickets at delawaregardens.org.  

The DBG is open to the public Thursdays through Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guided Tours are available at 10 a.m.  

The Delaware Botanic Gardens is located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Go to www.delawaregardens.org.  

Delaware Botanic Garden Installing an Eagle cam and Eagle Watch Garden.

Delaware Botanic Gardens’ (DBG) Eagles Nest is housed in a beautiful loblolly tree overlooking Pepper Creek and has been active for several years.  In the spring, two eaglets were tended to by both the female and male eagles and were soon fledglings flying high above the Garden.  Our visitors were thrilled to watch them from afar.  Next year we will have installed an Eagle Cam so that we can see what is happening in the nest. Our work is with HDOnTap, the same company that installed the Eagle Cam at Big Bear Valley in California. 

DBG Executive Director Sheryl Swed said, “The idea of an eagle cam has been very popular with our staff, volunteers and visitors and when we decided to raise funds for the camera, we had an amazingly positive response— we have raised over $80,000 for the cost of design, equipment, including two cameras, installation, live streaming and maintenance.” 

DBG President Raymond Sander is pleased to announce the major sponsors of the Eagle Cam project: The Drs. Rouben & Violet Jiji Foundation together with Phoebe Craven, and Mike & Sue Masciandaro.  In addition to these generous donors, many individual gifts were sent to DBG to support the project.

Richard Hoffman representing the JiJi Foundation said, “The Rouben & Violet Jiji Foundation is proud to partner with the Delaware Botanic Gardens and sponsor the Eagle Cam and the eagle watch viewing garden.”  Another generous donor, Mike Masciandaro said, “We hope that this additional visibility will inspire the younger generations to learn and participate in the wonders of nature.”  Sander said, “We are most grateful to our magnanimous donors who also inspire us.” 

Deputy Executive Director Stephen Pryce Lea, who will be leading this effort, noted, “Our contract calls for installation of two cameras and reinforcing and strengthening the nest and is scheduled for two days in late September when the eagles are gone.” 

If you would like to donate to the Eagle cam project go to www.delawaregardens.org/give-today

The DBG is open to the public Thursday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guided tours when open at 10 a.m. The gardens are located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939.

 The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all.

Delaware Botanic Gardens - Free Admission on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 12th with Food Donation

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) announced that on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 12th non-member adults will be given Free Admission, if you bring a non-perishable food donation for the Food Bank of Delaware. Members and Children 16 and under are always free but are urged to bring a food donation. 

Sander noted, “DBG is committed to those in the Sussex community who are experiencing food insecurity. Last year our generous Mother’s Day guests donated over a ton of food in exchange for free admission to the DBG gardens. It is a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day by supporting the Food Bank of Delaware with needed food donations on Sunday May 12th. Come join us.” 

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “Surprise your mother not just with a flower bouquet but with a Mother’s Day visit to the Delaware Botanic Gardens and let her celebrate all year long with a gift membership — you and she will be notified in separate emails and your mother will receive a Garden’s membership card in the mail. Available at the Garden or online at delawaregardens.org.” 

Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Deputy Executive Director, said, “May blooms invite you to experience the great outdoors, unfurling ferns, and delicate flowers. Enjoy a color-filled palette of late Spring perennials in our Piet Oudolf Meadow, a delight for our guests enjoying the coastal climate of the shoreline garden with family and friends at the Delaware Botanic Gardens. DBG plants for sale in May include annuals, and perennials from $7 all grown by DBG horticultural team.” 

The list of needed food items include applesauce, cranberry sauce, oatmeal, cold cereals, pudding mix, canned pumpkin, graham cracker pie crust, canned gravy, rice, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, stuffing, hearty soups, corn muffin mix, canned sweet potatoes and yams, canned peas and green beans, 100% fruit juice, hot chocolate, coffee and tea, and evaporated milk. 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens are open to the public Thursday through Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4 :00 p.m. and located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Go to www.delawaregardens.org. The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all.


Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) at Pepper Creek, announced that the 37-acre botanic gardens near Dagsboro will Open the Garden Gates for its Sixth Season at 9 a.m. on Thursday, March 14th. Sander said, “Welcome back for another season of natural beauty and experience the gardens and wildlife as they spring to life again.” 

Sander continued, “Our Board, Volunteers and Staff are excited to share our new features, including the Hedgerow Garden and the DelDot shore restoration project which added 0.30 acres to our 1,000-foot Pepper Creek shoreline. These features join the Piet Oudolf Meadow Garden, which continues to be one of the region’s most valuable examples of native plants and horticulture.  All these environmentally sound projects are key examples of DBG’s long range land stewardship and commitment to sustainability.  DBG staff and volunteers have been working all winter to be ready for members and guests to enjoy a safe natural oasis, away from the stresses of everyday life. In the Piet Oudolf Meadow Garden, Rhyne Garden, Learning Garden and Folly Garden we now have over 200,000 spring bulbs emerging.” 

Stephen Pryce Lea, Director of Horticulture and Educational Programs said, “Thanks to a mild winter and a hard-working team, we have made great progress in the gardens. We planted 21,500 additional spring bulbs last November, adding to a spectacular 200,000 spring bulb display. See the new DelDot Shoreline restoration project, which was completed in December and 7,000 new plantings are going into this new shoreline area this spring. The 12-acre Woodlands are showing their spring colors with Dogwood and Redbud trees soon to be showing their bright spring colors. Come and enjoy yourself and experience nature’s spring beauty.” 

The DBG website lists 2024 educational Tours and Classes. For example, on Friday, March 15th at 2 p.m., Stephen Pryce Lea will give a Guided Spring Bulb Tour; and on Thursday, March 28th at 2 p.m., he will also give a Guided Spring Bulb Tour. You can sign-up now at www.delawaregardens.org

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “We have expanded our garden experience, and also expanded the list of DBG 2024 learning opportunities. We invite you to become a member and get involved by joining our wonderful team of DBG volunteers.  We have Garden Steward, Docent, and administrative opportunities for volunteers.  Go to the website to sign-up for memberships and volunteer positions.  Come see how the gardens are growing. Please join us, as we welcome spring. 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens are open to the public on Thursdays through Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and there are guided tours at 10 a.m. You can register for guided tours in advance on the DBG website or if there is room on the day of your visit. Go to www.delawaregardens.org. The DBG is located a short drive from the beaches at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Members admission is free, and tours/classes are $10. Nonmembers adult admission is $15, and tours/classes are $10. Children 16 and under receive free admission.  

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all.