Ray Sander, DBG President, announced that the gardens are launching a new fundraising campaign to install an Eagle camera along the gardens 1,000 feet of Pepper Creek shoreline where an Eagle’s nest is located. The campaign begins during the Delaware’s Do More 24 Campaign March 7-8, but continues all year as the Delaware Botanic Gardens opens for the season on Thursday March 14th. Guests can contribute at the Welcome Center or online. Sander said, “We are thrilled to announce our endeavor to invite sponsorship support for the acquisition of Eagle Nest Cam and Wildlife cameras, revolutionizing the way visitors observe with our abundant wildlife on out 37-acre site. Donate online at www.delawaregardens.org/give-today

Stephen Pryce Lea, Director of Horticulture and Educational Programs said, 

“Contributions from our supporters will not only facilitate the purchase and installation of the Eagle Nest Cam and Wildlife trail cameras but also fortify our ongoing efforts to enhance the overall visitor experience at the Delaware Botanic Gardens.  

He continued, “Nestled within the shoreline gardens lies a haven for wildlife, from the graceful Kestrel to the majestic Bald Eagles, the Vibrant Bluebirds, Night Owls and Woodpeckers, just a few of the wild species that contribute to the diverse tapestry of our ecosystem. Join us in our mission to foster a deeper connection with nature and embark on a journey of discovery at the Delaware Botanic Gardens. Together, let us observe, cherish, educate and preserve the unparalleled beauty of our Eastern Shore wildlife.”  

 Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director, said, “We are excited about this rare opportunity to use solar powered cameras to give us an intimate glimpse into the daily life of these magnificent creatures onsite at the Welcome Center or through live streaming into your homes.” 

The mission of the gardens is to create an inspirational, educational, and sustainable public garden in Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all.    For additional information about Delaware Botanic Gardens, including memberships and volunteering go to www.delaweargardens.org


Raymond J. Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek (DBG) announced that on Thursday December 7th DBG will hold a Virtual Public Annual Meeting starting at 3 p.m. Sander said, ”We had an excellent 2023 season and at the annual meeting the agenda includes: the President’s State of the Garden and Financial report; Introduction of DBG Board, Advisory Council and Staff; reports from both the Director of Horticulture and Education Programs and Director of Grounds and Facilities; and an update on the DelDot Hybrid Living Shoreline project.  We want to thank DBG members, supporters, and guests as we end the year on a high note with our annual end of year appeal to our members and supporters.” 

Sheryl J. Swed, DBG Executive Director said,” To sign-in to the Virtual Public Meeting go to  www.delawaregardens.org and look at the homepage banner or under Events for the link to the zoom call.   We want to thank all staff and volunteers who have worked so hard to maintain and care for DBG this year. We also thank all who have visited and supported the gardens in 2023. At the meeting we will announce Members Only Winter Visit days. We look forward to seeing you next spring on March 14, 2024, when we open again.” 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens is located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Memberships are available by going to delawaregardens.org/membership. 

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. For more information go to delawaregardens.org.

DBG Celebrates Veterans Day – Free Admission for Veterans and Free Admission for Food Donations

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek (DBG) announced that on Saturday, November 11th - Veteran’s Day - all Veterans, showing their military ID cards, will have “Free” admission to the Delaware Botanic Gardens in appreciation for their military service to our country. Also, other guests, who bring food donations for Home of the Brave Foundation in Milford will receive “Free” admission. Sander said, “We are thankful for all who have served our nation in uniform, and we also thank those in our community who recognize the food needs of our veterans in Sussex County.” 

Sander also noted that the DBG Fall Harvest decorations, including the Woodlands Discovery Trail with sculptures of forest creatures will remain on display through Sunday, November 19th the DBG season closing date. 

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “As we approach the Thanksgiving holidays, we are thankful for the generosity of our guests who will donate food for our veterans. Swed also said, “This has been a wonderful 2023 season, and we thank all who have visited and supported the gardens this year. We look forward to seeing you next spring when we reopen on March 14, 2024.” 

Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Director of Horticulture said,” I want our friends to know that the gardens are now in their full fall glory. Lots of things to see including our new Hedgerow Garden, Monarch Meadow Meander and Woodland Discovery Trail with new forest creatures.  Bring the whole family.” 

The DBG is open to the public Thursdays – Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., closing for the season at 4 p.m. on November 19th.  Walk-ins are welcome. 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens is located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Memberships are available by going to delawaregardens.org/membership. 

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all.

Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek raised $122,000 at Annual Dinner

Ray Sander, president of the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) at Pepper Creek, thanked over 300 guests and supporters at the sold out DBG Annual Dinner held on September 28. Under a white sail cloth tent provided by Coastal Tented Events. SoDel Concepts provided delicious food & desserts at multiple chef stations. Scott Kammerer, president of SoDel Concepts, along with his wife, Lisa, were honorary co-chairs of the dinner. Scott welcomed the guests to one of the “Best Charity Events in Delaware.” 

Sander said, “This is the 11th anniversary of our first fundraising farm-to-table dinner created by Matt Haley and Sue Ryan at the Good Earth Market. Tonight, our dinner partners have braved the cloudy day and showers for a glorious celebration of the gardens. We are indebted to: Scott Kammerer and Ronnie Burkle and the amazing SoDel chefs; Riley Quinn & Derrick Kelley of Bin 66 for their beautifully paired wines; Zack McCarthy and his team for the spectacular tent; Vince Varrassi and the 5th Avenue for their musical virtuosity; and Affairs to Remember for their special outdoor lighting.” 

He continued, “In addition, in memory of our recently deceased Board Member, Peter Carter, Sarah Gilmour sponsored the Welcoming Prosecco. The enthusiasm and high spirits were shared by all and representative of how much Delaware and Sussex County citizens care and support our community non-profits.” 

Sander also took note of attending supporters including Chuck Pennoni, founder of Pennoni Associates; Sussex County Land Trust; and the distinguished elected officials from across the State, including Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long, Senators Gerald Hocker and Russ Huxtable, Sussex County Council Member Douglas B. Hudson, Sussex County Administrator Todd Lawson, New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer and Dagsboro Mayor Brian Baull.  “Support from our State, County, and local governments and the private sector is vital to the success of our public garden. Also, without the support of all of you in this tent tonight, there would be no botanic garden in Sussex County,” Sander said. 

This year, DBG challenged our guests to help us raise funds for our operations. By the end of the evening, our generous guests donated nearly $26,000, bringing the grand total raised at the Annual Dinner to over $122,000. The donations are still coming in and are welcome. 

In her remarks, DBG Executive Director Sheryl Swed saluted the DBG Board Members & Advisory Council members present, dinner sponsors, volunteers and staff, including Stephen Pryce Lea, Director of Horticulture & Educational Programs and Sam Cashdollar, DBG Director of Grounds and Facilities.    

Swed said, “This is a special dinner because it marked the annual gathering of our most dedicated supporters and donors to celebrate the gardens’ progress and to recognize the board, staff and volunteers who make it happen. As a nonprofit, we could not operate without the support of the dedicated volunteers, staff, and our generous community supporters. Thank you!” 

Butterflies & Blooms Class at DBG - Thursdays

Butterflies & Blooms Class at DBG - Thursdays

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG), announced the 37-acre gardens are in full peak summer bloom, and starting on Thursday, July 20 and running every Thursday though August 31st at 9:00 a.m. is the Butterflies & Blooms Class. Sander said, “This Butterflies & Blooms class is a family-friendly class that is both fun and educational. All are welcome.” 

Stephen Pryce Lea, Director of Horticulture and Education Programs said, “The summer breeze carries the hungry pollinators inland to the abundance of our DBG blooms. DBG is fortunate to have a well-established Piet Oudolf 2-acre meadow, with native plants that attract essential pollinators. We have seen an upturn in the numbers of bees and butterflies visiting the gardens and woodland trails. Now is the best time to visit.” 

This program offers guests a chance to explore the Piet Oudolf Meadow in a new way, searching for and identifying the many butterfly species that take advantage of the nectar offered by the blooming perennials.  Monarchs, Spicebush Swallowtails, Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, American Ladies, Painted Ladies, Variegated Fritillaries and Silver Spotted Skippers are some of the most frequent visitors to the Meadow.  Volunteer docents help guests identify the butterflies and their “favorite” nectar plants in the Meadow.  The necessary host plants, where hungry caterpillars eat their way to the next stage, are also discussed so that gardeners can be sure they are supporting the entire lifecycle of the butterflies they love.  

Preregistration is required as there is a limited class size. This is a family-friendly program welcoming butterfly lovers of all ages.   Members free admission and $10 class fee. Non-members admission $15 plus class fee of $10. Children 16 and under, when accompanied by an adult, have free admission and free butterfly tour. Reserve tickets at delawaregardens.org

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “In addition, on Saturday, July 22 is a special Summer Meadow Garden Tour at 11:30 a.m.  The guided tour by Stephen Pryce Lea, Director of Horticulture and Education Programs, is a leisurely stroll through the 2-acre Piet Oudolf Meadow. Learn about the benefits of growing native plants and the pollinators they attract. Members Free admission and tour and Non-members admission $15 admission plus tour fee of $10. Children 16 and under, when accompanied by an adult, have free admission and tour. Reserve tickets at delawaregardens.org

The DBG is open to the public Thursdays through Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guided Tours are available at 10 a.m. 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens is located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Go to www.delawaregardens.org

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. 

Delaware Botanic Gardens – New July Friday Free Garden Crafts Classes for Children ages 6 to 12+

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens said “We are happy to announce a new family friendly program – Free Friday Craft Classes for children from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., run by our Director of Educational Programs and our trained volunteer teachers. Come, learn any enjoy the blessings of nature.”  

This four-week class program, includes a full range of nature topics like Explore camouflage and protective coloration in small creatures’ on July 7th.  Students will, design their own creature. Registration for all the classes is required - go to delawaregardens.org/events. Garden admission for children 16 and under is free, when accompanied by an adult. Adult members have free admission, non-members admission fee is $15. Again, the Friday classes for children 6 to 12+ are Free.   

Stephen Pryce Lea, Director of Horticulture and Educational Programs said, “Adults are welcome to observe the Friday hands-on craft classes, or they can visit the gardens on their own, while their children are in class, or take the 10 a.m. guided tour, which costs $10.” 

The Free Friday July Garden Craft Class topics include:

July 7 – Who’s hiding in the garden? Explore the topics of camouflage and protective coloration of small creatures. Craft is designing own creature using colorful squares of tissue paper and pre-cut stencil of a butterfly or snake. 

July 14 – Why are flowers so colorful? Take a walk through the Meadow to study the shapes and colors of flowers. Craft is to paint your own flower on a small cray pot and plant flower in pot. 

July 21 – How do they recycle paper? Craft is Create your own sheet of recycled paper with embellishments you choose. 

July 28 – The art of the flower. Walk through the new pollinator pathway, then choose one flower to cut, and put in small vase, and paint a picture of the flower. 

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director, noted, “In addition to the Free Craft Fridays in July, we offer other July family friendly events and classes. Come and see the beauty of the gardens in summer bloom.” Other classes-tours include: 

Thursday, July 13 at 11:30 a.m. “Bugs & Bogs” Class. Explore the hidden world of aquatic bugs, tadpoles and insects in the Learning Garden by the fresh water vernal pool.  Cost is $10 for members and non-members. 

Thursday, July 20/27 at 9:00 a.m. “Butterflies & Blooms” class. Learn about butterflies in the garden including Monarchs, Swallowtails, Fritillaries, Sulphur, Skippers. Hairstreaks and more, Also the role of nectar, host plants and life cycle of butterflies.  Teacher is led by naturalist Margaret Kimmel. This class will continue every Thursday in August. 

Saturday, July 22 at 11:30 a.m. “Summer Meadow Blooms & Pollinators Tour with Stephen Pryce Lea, Director of Horticulture and Educational Programs. Enjoy the scent of a summer meadow and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the 2-acre Piet Oudolf Meadow with 70,000 perennial plants and grasses. 

Reservations are requested. Go to delawaregardens.org/events. Admission for members and the tour are free. Non-members admission is $15, and the tour fee is $10 for adults. Children 16 and under, when accompanied by an adult, admission and tour are free. 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens are open to the public Thursday through Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Go to www.delawaregardens.org

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. 

Delaware Botanic Gardens – Thanks Delmarva – a Ton of Food for Food Bank of Delaware

Food insecurity is a serious problem for some families in our Delmarva community. Two of our region’s leading nonprofits, the Food Bank of Delaware and the Delaware Botanic Gardens have been cooperating to help address this community need. 

On Mother’s Day, the Gardens gave free admission to guests who donated food for the Food Bank of Delaware. Over 1000 guests visited DBG on May 14 and generously donated 2,355 pounds of food which were delivered to the Food Bank’s Milford facility. 

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens said “We are happy to share the beauty of the Delaware Botanic Gardens to help the important work of the Food Bank of Delaware. We are very proud of the generosity of our visitors who donated over a ton of essential foods to celebrate Mother’s Day.” 

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director, noted that the successful Mother’s Day food donations were preceded by the April 22 Earth Day free admission offering by DBG which attracted 500 guests who donated more than 1,300 pounds of essential foods which were delivered to the Food Bank of Delaware. “Clearly our guests understand the severity of food insecurity and they actively support the sense of community being forged by these two community-focused nonprofits.” 

“We are grateful for the generosity of the Botanic Gardens,” said Food Bank of Delaware President and CEO Cathy Kanefsky. “Our community is just incredible and always steps up in a big way to help our neighbors in need. Unfortunately, with high prices due to inflation, so many in our community are struggling to put meals on the table. The continued support of the gardens and its visitors help to stock the shelves of our partner food pantries.” 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens are open to the public Thursday through Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Go to www.delawaregardens.org.  

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. 

On Mother's Day, Sunday May 14th - Free DBG Admission with Food Donation

Ray Sander, President of the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) announced on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 14th non-member adults can gain Free Admission, if you bring a non-parishable food donation for Food Bank of Delaware. Children 16 and under always gain Free admission. 

Sander noted, “Thanks to our guests, we collected 1,383 pounds of food for the Food Bank of Delaware on Earth Day and hope our guests will again be generous with food donations for our neighbors in need on Sunday, May 14.”  

The list of needed food items include: applesauce, cranberry sauce, oatmeal, cold cereals, pudding mix, canned pumpkin, graham cracker pie crust, canned gravy, rice, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, stuffing, hearty soups, corn muffin mix, canned sweet potatoes and yams, canned peas and green beans, 100% fruit juice, hot chocolate, coffee and tea, and evaporated milk. 

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director said, “Surprise your mother with a Delaware Botanic Gardens membership— you and she will be notified in separate emails and your mother will receive a Gardens’ membership card in the mail. Available at the Garden or on-line at delawaregardens.org.” 

Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Director of Horticulture and Educational Programs, said, “May blooms invite you to experience the great outdoors, a walk along creative woodland trails beneath a canopy of mature Oaks and native Pines, unfurling ferns, and delicate flowers. Meander through a wild-flower meadow as it Springs forth into peak flowering season lasting May thru early July. Enjoy a color-filled palette of late Spring perennials, a delight for our guests enjoying the coastal climate of the shoreline gardens with family and friends at the Delaware Botanic Gardens.” 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens are open to the public Thursday through Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4 :00 p.m. and located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. Go to www.delawaregardens.org

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. 

On Earth Day, Saturday, April 22 – Free DBG Admission with Food Donation

Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek (DBG) announced that on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22nd non-member adults who bring food donations for Food Bank of Delaware will receive free DBG admission. Children 16 and under always receive Free Admission.

Ray Sander, DBG president, said, “We thank those in our community who recognize the food needs of our neighbors in a challenging time. Please show your support for our neighbors in need.”

Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director, said, “We are thankful for the past generosity of our guests who donated food for the Food Bank of Delaware.” 

The list of needed food items include: applesauce, cranberry sauce, oatmeal, cold cereals, pudding mix, canned pumpkin, graham cracker pie crust, canned gravy, rice, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, stuffing, hearty soups, corn muffin mix, canned sweet potatoes and yams, canned peas and green beans, 100% fruit juice, hot chocolate, coffee and tea, and evaporated milk.

Stephen Pryce Lea, DBG Director of Horticulture and Education Programs, said, “I want our friends to know that we currently have a major spring bulb display with 200,000 spring bulbs throughout the gardens. We invite our neighbors to come and enjoy this colorful display of spring bulbs.”

The Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) is open to the public from Thursdays through Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939.

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create a world-class, inspirational, educational, and sustainable public botanic garden in southern Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. For more information go to delawaregardens.org.

U.S. Senator Tom Carper Visits Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek

U.S. Senator Tom Carper visited the Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek (DBG) in Dagsboro recently to get an update on progress in the 37-acre natural campus with five main gardens and showcasing 200,000 spring bulbs.  

DBG President Ray Sander, Vice President Carol McCloud, Executive Director Sheryl Swed and Director of Horticulture and Education Programs Stephen Pryce Lea welcomed Senator Carper back to DBG with a guided tour. 

Senator Carper said, "I am amazed at the progress the staff and volunteers have accomplished. The spring bulbs are wonderful. Well done Delaware Botanic Gardens!" 

The Delaware Botanic Gardens is located at 30220 Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, DE 19939. The gardens are open Thursdays through Sundays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are guided tours at 10 a.m. 

For more information go to delawaregardens.org